Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Conan Brothers Q&A


SpeculativePossum asks "Did you guys ever invest in crypto? Hope you did, you'd be rolling in the dough right now."

Dave: I invest the old fashion way: by keeping my money under my mattress.

Arnold: Which sucks if you catch your house on fire.

Dave: Money is flammable, unfortunately.

Arnold: I'm all for putting your money in assets. Buy a house, improve your house, buy a car, become a slum lord. Investing, however, is not something I've ever considered, mostly because I've never had enough money to do so. Lately we've been sitting on a little bit of cash, though, and the thought of doing something other than letting it rest under Dave's mattress has dawned on me. Investing in crypto at this point doesn't seem like a great idea.

Dave: You gotta get in before the rest of the fools do, Arnie.

Arnold: That's right, Dave. Crypto's value is totally based on its perception as the hot new thing. In reality, a handful of people control most of the market. The bubble keeps building and building but it will crash again, like it always does.

Dave: Maybe a currency not backed by a government isn't a great idea.

Arnold: I wish people would just fucking use cash! Cash isn't easily traceable, you fools! I guess it's not great for buying illegal shit on the internet, but otherwise it does everything Bitcoin is supposed to do!

Dave: Now I want to see Matt Damon in a commercial for cash.

Arnold: We would be remiss if we didn't mention the needless wasting of vast amounts of electrical energy by crypto mining stations as they waste processing power computing algorithms for proof of work.

Dave: As if capitalism has ever cared about anything other than making money.

Arnold: Bring on the workers' revolution! Where's my hammer and sickle?


StrongGuyBill asks "Ever miss around with atlas stones?"

Dave: Yep.

Arnold: We just recently made a 215 pounder after throwing around a 145 lbs stone for over a year. Took me a while to realize you can't pick up a heavy atlas stone up without using your bare forearms.

Dave: Really bruised them pretty bad.

Arnold: Yeah, our stone has a ridge on it from where the concrete seeped in-between the two piece of the mold. No pain, no gain, I guess.

Dave: Stones are great. Lifting weights will get you very strong but you need to practice real world shit every once in a while, like lifting telephone poles or giant rocks.

Arnold: I'd recommend starting out with a stone that's about seventy percent of your body weight and then going up from there.


GoldenHalo asks "What's your favorite Halo Infinite weapon for multiplayer?"

Dave: Sword.

Arnold: I don't have one particular favorite. One of the great things about Infinite is that almost all the weapons are viable. Well, except for the ravager. The plasma pistols sucks too.

Dave: There is no reason for the plasma pistol with the pulse carbine around.

Arnold: Yeah, the pulse carbine is secretly a good weapon. If you keep the cursor on your target, the pulses track. It is really good at stripping shields.

Dave: The Skewer is another favorite. I'm good at no scoping with it.

Arnold: I would say that fifty percent of the time, I'm deadly with the Skewer. It is immensely satisfying to spike an enemy.

Dave: I'm just going to say that Halo Infinite is the best multiplayer game I've played since Unreal Tournament.

Arnold: It's not exactly an arena shooter, in that fast movement is important, but managing power ups, weapon spawns, and the map layout is just as critical as in Quake or Unreal.

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