Monday, January 10, 2022

Blog Plans for 2022


There is no reason for this screenshot to be here other than its hilarity.

So this blog started back in 2013 as a medium to post my creative projects, mainly my music and writings. Since then, it's evolved somewhat, becoming sort of a Something Awful front page lite in 2015, and then recently turning into more of a video game review site. My output has waned from my highpoint in 2015, when I manged 163 posts, but I'm a lot busier nowadays, and sometimes instead of writing I'd rather zone out and play video games. I'd like to keep this project going, however, and I don't want to see my output peter out like it did in 2017, when I only posted 60 times. Therefore, I'm setting some goals for this blog in an effort to give it a little more time and respect. Here are the main ones.

-post 10 times a month.

-include one piece of new music per month.

-continue some of my long-running series, like the Conan Brothers, Farmer's Only Profiles, and Batman and Robin's Political Debates.

-post a game review per month.

-include an excerpt from whatever novel I'm working on (hah).

-keep that bad poetry flowing.

-do a weightlifting post per month.

-try to keep this fun.

I'd love to bring back the Pointless Podcast, a podcast so pointless and vulgar that we had to discontinue it; however, I doubt that I have the time, and that I'd be able to find willing participants, and there's always the specter of saying something unfortunate that is preserved forever on the net. So that's what you, dear reader, can look forward to this coming year. May it be a better year than the last two.

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