Friday, August 28, 2020

The Supposed Horror of Joe Biden's America


Remember 2008 to 2016? Not too bad times, right? Do you remember not being safe or fearing that mobs would tear through your neighborhood? I don't remember that. During those times, I didn't think about politics every single day. I had that glorious freedom to feel mostly confident with President Obama at the helm. Was he perfect? Of course not. The NSA hacking scandal comes to mind. However, I never feared the end of times during the Obama administration. I never feared the President would attempt to disenfranchise millions of people. I never worried about him profiting from his office. I never thought an American President would ask a foreign country to investigate his political opponent. Hell, back then I didn't think it was racist or fascist to be a Republican. Now every time I see a Trump/Pence sign, I can't help but doubt the reasoning abilities as well as the morality of the owner. So it's a hard argument to make that electing Joe Biden would somehow be disastrous for the country. Republicans are trying to make it anyway. Mike Pence says we won't be safe in Joe Biden's America. He says this while over 180,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus. You know who was named the head of Trump's coronavirus task force? Mike Pence, of course. The US has 4 percent of the world's population but 25 percent of its coronavirus cases. Great job, Mike. I certainly feel safe in my part of America, a state where you were elected governor. I don't see many people wearing masks in my part of Indiana. Many of my neighbors probably believe that the coronavirus is a hoax, despite its obvious world-wide impact. Who do I consider responsible for this disconnect between what my fellows believe and what reality insists is happening? If you guessed the Republican Party and Donald Trump, then you're correct. What the past four years have taught me is that some people will vote for their political party even if their leadership is clearly incompetent and corrupt. Emotional reasoning is a hell of a drug, and alternative facts are as contagious as Covid-19. I would give almost anything for a return to the boring old days of Obama. What I'm really scared of is four more years of Trump. What democratic institutions would be unraveled? What future crisis would they bungle? What laws would they pass? What kind of world would my children grow up in? I don't know if it's hyperbole to imagine a smoldering wasteland, the kind of apocalypse we frequently see in dystopian fiction. All I know is that Donald Trump is the absolute worst type of person to be President. You can't have a sociopathic narcissist at the helm of a superpower. There are no checks left.

I'll take the supposed horror of a Biden administration any day over the real time terror of the Trump administration. 

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