Wednesday, August 5, 2020

No Excuses

Every day, I track Trump's approval rating at Five Thirty Eight, where it currently stands at 41.2 percent. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing every day but expecting different results. I keep expecting to see Trump's rating failing. Certainly, it has, to some degree--at the start of the pandemic, it was at 45 percent--but even after his administration's continued bungling of the pandemic, the resultant economic free fall, and the federal overreach in Oregon, his approval rating is still above 40 percent. At this point, you have to wonder if it will ever fall beneath that level. What would it take for that hardcore base to abandon this President? Even if you support his anti-immigrant, racist agenda, any thinking person would have to admit that Trump is a terrible, terrible President. He's divided the country with his partisan rhetoric, filled his administration with yes-men, deregulated the economy, and shown a complete inability to learn from his mistakes or take any kind of criticism. Every thing that goes wrong under Trump is not his fault. What kind of a leader never takes no responsibility? That sort of person isn't a leader. That sort of person is a malignant narcissist, which is the worst type of person you want in charge. "Make America Great Again," is a backward slogan focused on nostalgia for a time that wasn't as great as people imagine, but it certainly works for Biden's campaign, seeing to what extent Trump has dismantled the country in four short years. What would four more years of Trump look like? Nuclear warfare? A smoldering, apocalyptic wasteland?

So stupid people out there, if you don't die of the coronavirus that you deny exists, perhaps you can exercise those critical thinking skills you've never developed and ask yourself whether or not it's worth voting for a man who does not care if you live or die just because he has the same racist, backwards world view that you do.

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