Saturday, January 6, 2024

Weightlifting: Close-grip Bench Press 240 for 10


The video claims a 10 lbs PR, but it was really a 5 lbs PR. Anyways, my progress continues, despite nearly blowing out my back on Tuesday. After doing unbelted squats, I began my deadlifts. After pulling 315, I thought my lower back felt a little funny. I put 405 on the bar and my god, it was a grinder. Nothing felt right. I deloaded to 315, thinking maybe I would just do a high rep set, but as soon as the weights came off of the ground, I put it right back down. My back felt funny throughout the day, and by the next morning it felt as though my back muscles were completely fatigued, with any lower back motion at all feeling extremely uncomfortable. I thought I was in for a two-week recovery, but on Thursday, I was eighty percent recovered. Now, on Saturday, I feel almost one-hundred percent. Just some weirdness. I think I'm overdoing it with the unbelted squatting.

1RM 2RM 3RM 4RM 5RM 6RM 7RM 8RM 9RM 10RM
Low Bar Squat 415 380 365 350 360
340 320
High Bar Squat 390 365 350 345 340
315 320
High Bar Squat (Paused) 365

High Bar Squat (No Belt) 365 335 325 325 330

Front Squat 315 300 300 275 270 255 245 225 215 225
Bench Press 315 290 280 275 270 260 255 250 245 235
Bench Press (Paused) 300 280 270 260 250 240 245 235 230 225
Overhead Press 195 185 175 170 170 160 155 150 140 145
Deadlift 510 470 455 425 425 415 410 390 405 360
Deadlift (No Belt) 460

400 405
365 340
Sumo Deadlift 455 435 435 420 410

LB SQ no belt 380 350 345 330 335 315 315 300 295 275
Push Press 230 205 205 195 185

Barbell Rows 315 305 295

Close Grip 295 275 270 265 255 250 245 240 235 240
Clean and Push Press 205 175 185


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