Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Weightlifting: Running the Hill


I googled Running the Hill and Kate Bush came up, hah.

So I burned out on Juggernaut AI after running it nearly the entire year. Despite recommending the program several times on Pointless Venture, I'm now doing my own thing again. The mental freedom to decide what to do in the gym was the impetus that I needed to keep weightlifting. Focusing on the powerlifts gets boring; I'm overhead pressing a lot more now, along with doing power cleans.

I made this routine up yesterday to avoid doing sets of eight or ten, which I loathe. I call it Running the Hill. Simply, you start with a light weight, do a rep, add weight, do a rep, rinse and repeat until you get to a near max and twenty reps, with no rest in between singles other than the time it takes to change plates. So this was my squat workout:

135, 155, 175, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 235, 245, 255, 265, 275, 285, 295, 305, 315, 320, 295, 300. 

Once I got to 320, I decided to take a little weigh off, since 320 felt pretty heavy, but I added weight again for my last set. After doing the initial run, you need to get a little more volume, and start on a hill that's not as high, but just as long. So I did 225 for five, 230 for five, 235 for five, and finally 240 for five, completing the workout. I'm sore as hell today, and I managed to do forty reps of squats. I think this little routine is good for the squat and bench, but might be a little too much for the deadlift. Maybe decreasing the hills to ten reps instead of twenty would be a manageable modification.

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