Monday, May 10, 2021

Conan Brothers Q&A



AreWeThereYet asks "What do you guys think about the nature of being?"

Dave: The nature of being what?

Arnold: I think this is a metaphysical question.

Dave: Never touched the stuff. I like my teeth.

Arnold: Well, I'll guess I'll handle this one. I think there are two ways to exist as a human being. There is the path of reason and the path of romance. This is a double-think sort of thing where to be fully human, you have to embrace both ideologies. Reason, of course, is the lauded strategy. "Why can't we all be more reasonable, more logical, more honest in our thinking? Romantic thinking, however, cannot be completely abandoned. Humans need religion to deal with death, just like an athlete needs to wear his lucky jock strap to continue his ten game hitting streak. Part of you knows that this shit's bogus, but you need to believe it anyway, because to believe is to be human. Love can't just be a chemical reaction, you know, it's something you feel and experience. Yet you just can't completely embrace the romantic ideology or you'll descend into idiocy, a la "This two-thousand year old book written by a bunch of people who had no concept of science or the very world in which they lived says it's evil to be gay, so let's ban all homosexuals."

Dave: I sort of get what you're talking about. We can't pray climate change away, yet it pays not to be an atheist in a fox hole.

Arnold: Yeah. Embrace reason but be willing to indulge your romantic every once in a while. You couldn't have art without romance, right?

Dave: There's nothing romantic about a Campbell's soup can.

Arnold: You ain't a true artist.


Hellbelly asks "How do I come back to training after being sick?"

Dave: This is a good one.

Arnold: We just experienced a norovirus that kicked our asses from here to Timbuktu. I was on my hands and knees puking my guts out for hours, and when I wasn't puking, I was shitting. There was a day that I shit forty times, I kid you not. Took about six days to finally feel normal. I was lifting on the fifth day.

Dave: Didn't go too heavy. Did some benches and pullups, followed by curls and one arm cleans.

Arnold: I didn't lose much strength, but my weight is about eight pounds less than what it was before. Fortunately, I'm eating like a horse again. It won't take long to get that weight back.

Dave: Don't eat at Wings and Rings. They poisoned us.



WackyGrey asks "What you all playing with?"

Dave: The bald-headed moose.

Arnold: Red Dead Redemption 2. Man is it a slow game but I am enjoying it immensely. I've never played a game that had such love for its characters or genre. This is one of the best Westerns I've ever experienced.

Dave: Don't give much of a shit about hunting, though.

Arnold: This game is so immense that I think you have to skip a lot of the open world filler shit. I've played for 29 hours and I'm just now on Chapter 3. Only forty-four percent of Steam players have reached Chapter 3.

Dave: What percentage of people have picked up War and Peace and finished it?

Arnold: True, but War and Peace didn't cost millions of dollars to develop.

Dave: Money spent doesn't automatically equate to great art.

Arnold: Yeah, but I'm sure it helps. Anyway, it's hard to tackle a video game this long. I ain't twenty-two anymore, you know what I mean? I got adult shit to do.

Dave: Like beating the bald headed moose.

Arnold: Where the fuck did you hear that?

Dave: Somewhere on the internet, before it became a place of degeneracy.

Arnold: 2007?

Dave: Yeah, probably around there.

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