Wednesday, January 8, 2020

New Music: Type Me In

About ten years ago, I made an album of songs called "Winter Trees" that has rested on various hard drives since, for no particular reason other than I am very bad at promoting my work. "Type Me In" is the first of these tracks, a hard industrial pop number, whatever that means. I think it might have been on my Myspace page eons ago before Facebook swallowed the internet. "Winter Trees" is not my typical rock-based stuff; most of the tracks are instrumental, made in Propellerhead's Reason software synth, although there is scattered guitar throughout. At the risk of messing up the theme of my Soundcloud page, I'll be releasing tracks from my lost electronica album over the next month or so. I'm probably going to make a Youtube channel for Theme Park Mistress, just to get out there more, so look for that all you loyal readers and listeners.

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New Music: The Sack of Troy

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