Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Weightlifting: 2024 Review


This is basically 2024, except without the heavy weights.

2024 was mostly a year of doing bodybuilding training with relatively light weights while maintaining my bodyweight at around 185 to 190 lbs. Losing weight earlier in the year really impacted my training. I had to abandon my PR every week strategy, since I couldn't lift anywhere near as much weight as I had been. Throughout the year, I kept my weight loss, although my weight has been creeping upward after the holidays. Being lighter and moving without soreness became more important than doing a deadlift with 405 lbs for 9 reps, for example. For 2025, I'd like to slowly add back some weight and see if I can't start lifting a little heavier. At 39 years old (turning 40 this year!) I know I can still get stronger; I just have to balance the demands of heavy training with middle-age and a physically-demanding lifestyle. We got a puppy last August, which turned out to be a German Shorthaired Pointer in disguise. She's a very active dog that demands multiple walks every day, so I've been doing a lot of walking.

This is my current routine, which I just started a couple weeks ago. It's a bodybuilding/powerlifting split, with plenty of exercise variation and a few heavier lifting days. If I miss a day, I'll just do it the next day.

Sunday: Upperbody hypertrophy

Incline DB press 2x12

Overhand chins 2x10

Chest supported rows 2x12

Curl movement 2x12

Triceps movement 2x12


Monday: Lowerbody hypertrophy/shoulders

High bar squat 3x10 (pyramid progression)

Good mornings 2x12

Abs (crunches or knee raises) 2x12

Side laterals 2x10-12

Upright rows 2x10-12 

Tuesday: Light bench/upperbody hypertrophy

Bench Press 3x10 (pyramid progression)

Underhand chins 2x10

Inverted rows 2x10

Curl movement 2x10-12

Triceps movement 2x10-12

Wednesday: Heavier lower body day/shoulders

Low bar squat 4x5 pyramid progression

Deadlift 3x5 pyramid progression

Abs 2x12

Side laterals 2x10-12

Upright rows 2x10-12

Thursday: Heavier Bench Press/upperbody hypertrophy

Bench Press 4x5 pyramid progression

BB rows 3x10-12

Biceps movements 4x10-12

Triceps movements 4x10-12

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