Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Weightlifting: A New Hypertrophy Routine

Here's a five day hypertrophy routine focused on the powerlifts. This should challenge you without totally tanking your energy levels. In other words, this is a program designed by a thirty-eight year old man with recovery in mind. Without any further ado:

Sunday: Heavy squat, light pull. 

High bar squat, no belt. 4 sets of 3 with around 70 percent of your one rep max. Week two will having you keeping the weight the same, but doing 4 sets of 4. Week three will have you increase the reps again for 4 sets of 5. On week four, you'll do one set of as many reps as possible with the weight. You'll also do only 2 sets per body part for your assistance work instead of the normal 4. Then for week five you'll add 5 to 10 lbs and start the cycle over again.

Good mornings: 3 sets of 10. Add weight when you feel like it.

Calf raises: 2 to 3 sets of 12. Add weight whenever.

Knee raises: 2 to 3 sets of 12.

Barbell rows. 2 sets of 12. Add weight when you can, but start light and keep these easy.

Biceps: 4 sets of whatever biceps exercise you want. Barbell curls, dumbbell curls, incline curls, band curls are all great.

Monday. Heavy push. Bench presses with 70 percent of your 1 rep max for the same 4 sets of 3 progression as utilized during your squat day. For assistance work, just do 2 sets on week four.

Dumbbell incline presses or dumbbell flies: 2 sets of 10 to 12. Keep it easy.

Shoulders: 2 sets of lateral raises, 2 sets of upright rows. Keep it light, just get a pump.

Triceps: 2 sets of pressdowns, 2 sets of extensions. Just doing the work, not setting PRs.

Tuesday: Rest.

Wednesday: Light squat. Do a set of 10 with about 40 percent, then a set of 8 with around 45 to 50, then finally a set of 6 with around 50 to 55 percent. Add a rep to every set every week until the fourth week, where you'll do two sets of 10 with only 135 lbs. This is an easy squat day. You're doing the hard work on Sunday. This is just about practicing the movement and getting a little extra volume.

Dumbbell stiff-legged deadlift. Just grab a heavy dumbbell or two and do 2 sets of 10 to 12. This is meant to be light bodybuilding.

Crunches: 2 sets of 15.

Calf raises: 2 sets of 12.

Thursday. Light Bench Press. Same progression as the light squat.

Same assistance work as on the heavy bench press day.

Friday. Heavy pull day. Do deadlifts with the same progression as on the heavy squat and push days.

Chins: 4 sets of 8 to 10 reps.

Dumbbell rows: 3 sets of 6 to 12 reps.

Biceps: 4 sets of whatever curling movements you want to do.

Saturday. Rest.

I feel that this is a perfect program that covers all the bases. You get your heavy strength work in on the powerlifts while building muscle through bodybuilding movements. The AMRP weeks also function as a deload while giving you a chance to hit PRs. Every few months you could switch up main lifts--switch to close-grip bench press, sumo deadlift, or low-bar squat. Chose your own adventure! 

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