Monday, April 8, 2024

New Music: Walking on the Moon


I wrote this weird song on acoustic guitar, then fiddled around with the arrangement, going for a sixties psychedelic rock sound, a la the Pretty Things or early Pink Floyd. The intro implies a D major/D Mixolydian key, but most of the song is built around a back and forth chord progression between F#7 and G that accumulates tension before "resolving" on an E minor/E diminished chord. The chorus switches to a chromatically descending progression that goes Bflat/Bflat6-A7/A7m6-Aflat-add 2nd/G/G minor. This part was actually inspired by the strange chord progression of Soundgarden's Black Hole Sun, even if it doesn't sound like it. I'm proud of this song, with its strange chords and retro sound. Hopefully, others like it as well.

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