Thursday, July 13, 2023

Conan Brothers Q&A


BenchBro85 asks "What is the best accessory for the bench press?"

Dave: More bench pressing.

Arnold: Specifically, more bench pressing variations. I think three times a week is the sweet spot. My holy trinity of benching is touch and go bench press, paused bench press, and close-grip bench press. I consider touch and go to be my main lift, since I'm not a competitive powerlifter. Paused helps with getting the weight off the chest, while close grip strengthens the triceps enough that lock-out won't be a problem. Don't forget general body building accessories, like pressdowns, shoulder work, rows, and curls.

Dave: What about dumbbell flyes? Or peck deck?

Arnold: Bench press has always been enough for pec development for me, but I have wide shoulders and long arms. Some isolation work might help someone with a different physique.

Dave: Experiment, people. We're not all built the same.


GamingJunkie asks "Balder's Gate 3 or Starfield? What'll be the RPG of 2023?"

Dave: Cyberpunk: Phantom Liberty.

Arnold: I think that'll be good too, but let's be real: Balder's Gate 3 is going to be a real CRPG. Developers Larian have more or less billed it as a 5e simulator. You can have sex with a druid in bear form, people!

Dave: I enjoy Bethesda games, but they've become less and less RPGs over the years in favor of not constraining the player despite his or her build.

Arnold: Yeah, Oblivion simplified leveling, removing skills from Morrowind, whereas Skyrim removed all attributes except health, magic, and stamina. Fallout 4 also has a non-traditional leveling progression, which seems designed to prevent specialization. Don't forget the Mass Effect-like conversation options.

Dave: Starfield will be a great exploration game with solid combat. I won't be an RPG on the level with Balder's Gate 3.

Arnold: I concur.


PoliticalBill asks "Is Biden too old to run? Will Trump be prevented from winning the nomination?"

Dave: What about old pudding fingers?

Arnold: DeSantis is floundering because you can't out-Trump Trump. He's also an uncharismatic moron.

Dave: Republicans are focusing on Biden's age because they have nothing else.

Arnold: I don't give a shit how old Biden is. He's been a surprisingly great President who's passed more legislation than any President in my lifetime. We're talking the CHIPS act, the Infrastructure bill, the Inflation Reduction Act. All big pieces of legislation designed to help this country. When do you ever hear Republicans talking about helping the country?

Dave: They focus on who they want to hurt, nothing else.

Arnold: Unfortunately, I think even if Trump is convicted of willfully stealing government documents, he'll be confined to house arrest or something similar. I can't imagine an American President going to jail.

Dave: He can run from jail.

Arnold: Let the GOP nominate a convicted sex offender and a traitor. See how they do in the general.

Dave: Vote, motherfuckers. Don't let 2016 happen again.

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