Thursday, July 7, 2022

Weightlifting: Juggernaut AI, Week 22


With only 44 days to go before my meet/test day, I'm pretty happy with Juggernaut AI. Sure, it could be cheaper (35 bucks a month), but I'm confidant that I'll hit most of my previous PRs, especially in the bench and deadlift. My squat is feeling better now that we're moving into heavier weights and less reps. The first Strength block started with 6 reps for the main lifts (5 for the deadlift, which is always one rep less than the squat and the bench), then decreased to 5, and then finally decreased further to 4 (3 for the deadlift). The assistance work is also supposed to get heavier, with fewer reps, although I still try to keep in the 8 rep range. I feel as though the volume is very manageable now, whereas during the hypertrophy blocks I was often struggling to finish my workouts within an hour. This is the longest I've ever done a program, and surprisingly, I have no desire to stop and try something else. So all in all, I think Juggernaut AI is a smart way to train, and a great option for those with 35 bucks to spare. It's refreshing to just have a program laid out for you, because as a 36 year old man with a job and kids, I have very little free time. Recovery is also incredibly important, and being able to easily dial back the volume is a great option to have (check out the screenshot above for an example of the daily readiness assessment). I'll report back with my final results 44 days from now.

Couple more random observations:

--The more equipment you have, the more exercise variations you'll have access to, making it easier not to get bored. I really need a pair of heavy dumbbells for my work gym so that I can do incline dumbbell presses. Having a pulldown attachment is nice. By the way, I randomly busted out 20 pullups the other day and it wasn't even difficult, so that's an achievement, eh?

--the warmup is a good way to assess soreness, but I often skip it and just do a bunch of light squats or benches.

--training in high humidity is probably the worst environment you can train in. It's been hot and extremely humid, and even some easy days have been made a lot harder by all the sweat dripping down my face.

--every once in a while the app will randomly decrease my bodyweight down to 100 lbs. It's a pain to increase it, because you have to hit the plus button about one-hundred times. That's the only bug I've encountered, although my buddy claims that the app has reset him back at week one (he's also skipped a bunch of training sessions, so that might have something to do with it).

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