Tuesday, April 28, 2020

What Are You Worried About?

You worried? Stress keeping you up at night? Can you not let go of the little banalities of life? Just let go, brother.

Sure, there's a pandemic loose. Many are unemployed. A lot of people can't pay the bills. Apparently there's going to be a meat shortage, which really worries me. Gonna lose my gainz if I don't get the appropriate amount of protein. First world problems, amirite? Is America a first world country? Does that mean anything any more?

Like, what does anything mean, brother? That's what I'm getting at when I say cease your useless anxiety. Anxiety might come in handy when you're prowling through a darkened forest. It keeps you from becoming complacent, because complacency in wild times means you have a good chance of becoming leopard food. Anxiety ain't great in the modern world, though. It doesn't help when you're confined to your house with nothing to do but binge on modern comforts. Believe it or not, I do get tired of playing video games and watching television. I think we all do. Man was made for more.

Coming back to that meat shortage, do you think it will last long?

Some of us have been in a constant state of anxiety for four years. Just thinking about the Orange Menace and how static his poll numbers are causes a tightness to grip my chest. What about another term? How great will America be in 2024? I dunno but we're going to get through this. Or we won't.

If an asteroid were hurtling toward the earth and there was nothing you could do about it (which there wouldn't be), would you be worried about it? Of course, right? I think about half the country would deny asteroids are even a thing. I don't want to deny reality, but I see their point, I guess. Stupidity is bliss. A dog is stupidly blissful right before it is hit by a car. A dog cannot contemplate its own demise. There are a lot of advantages human beings have over dogs. There are a few dogs have over humans.

It is possible that you might die of coronavirus. You can die of anything at any moment. America is a country obsessed with youth and in denial about death. We inject ourselves with botox and have plastic surgery. We tuck the old away in nursing homes. We hand off the bodies of our loved ones to strangers so that they can make their mortal remains into wax caricatures of what they were.

Perhaps this denial of death contributes to our anxieties. We know too much or not enough. I for one shall be imbibing a little bit more intoxicating beverages. I'll be letting my mind wander over hobbies or useless minutiae. I'll be washing my hands, but I'll try not to let the looming meat shortage keep me up at night. I advise we all do the same.

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