Thursday, August 22, 2019

Conan Brothers Q&A

Crippled&Miffled asks "How do you still train while injured?"

Dave: You train what doesn't hurt.

Arnold: My SI joint is giving me trouble right now on my left side, which means no heavy squatting. But I can still deadlift and do bodybuilding stuff like dumbbell split squats and leg extensions.

Dave: You won't lose your muscle mass.

Arnold: A lower body injury is a good excuse to really focus on your pressing and upper body. Bench day every day, in other words.

Dave: Upper body injuries are usually rare, excepting shoulder problems, and I find you can usually find a pressing angle that doesn't hurt.

Arnold: So yes, there is no reason not to train while injured. Injuries are to be expected. They are a consequence of training hard. You shouldn't endeavor to become injured, of course, but it's sort of a badge of honor.

Dave: Yes, limping around like a moron is a badge of honor.

Arnold: That's enough from you.


PoliticsBeforeAlcoholics asks "Who do you guys want to win the Democratic nomination?"

Dave: How dare you assume we're voting Democratic.

Arnold: Well, it's not like we could vote for an orange tub of blubbery dough even if we were racist and stupid.

Dave: I like Sanders or Warren. Might as well vote for someone that want to usher in some actual change.

Arnold: But what about electability, Dave! Isn't Joe Biden the only one who can save us?

Dave: Let's pin the future of our nation on another old-ass baby boomer.

Arnold: Sanders and Warren are both in their seventies.

Dave: But Uncle Joe just wants to return to the pre-Trump world. I don't think there's any coming back.

Arnold: You think someone will succeed the moron king if he loses? Take the mantle of authoritarianism and do some more damage?

Dave: That's the question, isn't it. What happens to the Republican Party sans Trump?

Arnold: We're getting ahead of ourselves, Dave. He could still win.

Dave: I think people overestimate his chances. He might have solidified his base, but his base has shrunk. I'm not saying the Electoral College couldn't fall his way again, but I don't think he'll get all the breaks that he did in 2016.

Arnold: Fucking emails, Dave.

Dave: I hate computers.


GetGood asks "What have you been playing lately?"

Dave: Besides the old skin flute? Well...

Arnold: Prey: Mooncrash which is awesome.

Dave: What Remains of Edith Finch. Man, that's some interesting storytelling.

Arnold: I didn't like playing as a baby drowning in a bathtub.

Dave: What about a shark ragdolling down a hill?

Arnold: The sequence with a guy in the cannery is amazing.

Dave: It's a game about the inevitability of death. I enjoyed it immensely.

Arnold: I always have a soft spot for walking simulators.

Dave: It's certainly the best one I've played.

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