Monday, June 4, 2018

We Are the Persecuted

We are the persecuted, the beleaguered, the witch-hunted. We suffer dirty looks from the underclasses when we don our MAGA caps, and sometimes, servers will not serve us. We are not free to shout our racial slurs like our Great Leader, because everyone has a smartphone and the internet can destroy a life. Our children call us stupid, brainwashed, and fascist, and though we have disinherited them, the words still hurt. We are shamed for watching Fox News, for taking pride in the American flag, for valuing a good-looking, big-titted white woman over all others. They don't want us to support the troops; they wish the troops were all dead. They wish for a world free of responsibility, a world of racial handouts and reparations and socialized medicine. They want the Deep State to win. They don't understand the travesty of the emails, or the horrors of a pants-suit. They think God is something that died long ago.

They want to tell us how to live. They want to take the Christ out of Christmas and put a Jew or a Kwanzaa man in his place. They want to take our money and give it to the welfare queens who have grown fat off the system, having their ten children with ten different fathers. They want our teenagers to have sex and be gay. They want transexuals to share bathrooms with small children. All of their wants are evil wants, and their God is not a god but the devil himself. For years he reigned, sitting on the shoulder of Obama as he plotted to take away our guns and put us in deathcamps. He sat on the shoulder of Clinton, the great liar, the Whore of Babylon incarnate. Now he has been banished by our Great Leader, and they are not pleased.

We are enjoying the reign of the greatest President of our lives, and they are not happy. They are not happy that he is doing something to stem the tide of illegals pouring through our borders to rape and pillage and deal drugs and hip-hop. They are not happy that he has tried to erase the horror of Obamacare and its deathcamps. They are not happy that his tax cut, which will put so much money back into our pockets, has passed and will become law. They are not happy that he has made the NFL players stand for our national anthem. They try to discredit his accomplishments, and drag him down with the FBI, a Deep State apparatus, part of the Jew-run Illuminati secret cabal that has plotted to destroy America with AIDS and Islam.

We are the resistance, the minority fighting to preserve pride and whiteness and privilege. Our world is different from yours; global warming is a Chinese conspiracy, sexual harassment is a fiction created by ugly women, and Donald Trump is the greatest American ever to live. You cannot convince us otherwise, because we will not listen to anything that you say. Just watch as we take back the land that our forefathers gave us. Just watch as we keep up the good fight. Just watch as the Swamp is drained of alligators, frogs, and human-slime.

Watch as we make America Great Again.

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