Monday, June 25, 2018

Folks, Please Respect the Nazi

Okay, people I know you're angry. A bunch of fascist nitwits are running the White House thanks to the shittiness of our supposedly-democratic system. And yes, Stephen Miller is one totem pole away from being a 4Channer posting Pepe the Frog memes, but that doesn't give you the right to call him a fascist while he's enjoying Mexican food. Haven't you people ever heard of decorum? Stephen Miller is an adviser to the President and therefore entitled to a certain level of respect while he's gleefully laughing about separating migrant families like the world's lamest Bond villain. I mean, it's not like you can argue that the President doesn't conduct himself with poise and...

Alright, so that was a stupid argument. President Trump rode to the White House because he doesn't act like just another politician. People liked that about him; they still do, otherwise his approval rating wouldn't be hovering around 40 percent. Still, just because the President conducts himself like a high school bully on Twitter doesn't mean he and his staff aren't deserving of respect. Take poor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, for instance. She was trying to enjoy a nice farm to table meal and the goddamn owner of the restaurant kicked her and her family out! Just for working for the President! Well, also because she lies to the American people on a daily basis like a shitty, hillbilly Goebbels. Bad form, restaurant owner! I'm sure a decent portion of Americans are salivating to have the chance to host such a wonderful human being as Sarah Huckabee Sanders. The Republican Party thinks that gay people should not be served if a business owner disagrees with their sexuality, but come-on, irony has no meaning for these people! If you said the word, they would look at you like you had just projectile vomited all over the floor.

Well, maybe not. Both Miller and Homeland Security Secretary Kristjen Nielsen were eating in Mexican restaurants while the controversy over migrant family separation was brewing, which has to be some form of trolling, right? Maybe these assholes know exactly how terrible they are being, and they don't give a shit? Maybe they deserve the exact amount of respect your cat would give a rat scurrying under the dinner table? Maybe it's time these people understand exactly how much a majority of America hates them?

Or maybe we should just shut our mouths and be good little members of the proletariat. I know what the Trump administration would have us do.

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