Sunday, December 15, 2024

Writer's Block: A Poem For Luigi Mangione


Luigi was very handsome.

He looked like the kind of guy

Who could weave amongst a flock of girls

And tell them how he was the choice of the room;

The crème de la crème,

A tall cool glass of water,

The big cheese.

But he wrapped a hood around his head like a bag

And shot a man he didn’t know in the back

Like he was judge, jury, and executioner.

When you shoot a man

Make sure you look him in the eye

Otherwise, how can you see his soul

Leaving his body and reckon

with what you have done?

Were we finding our voice

With a murder in the street?

Or were we lashing out

Like a toddler unsure of what he wants to hit?

I dunno about you

but I don’t care about all that.

A myth is a story that we create and believe

Even when our eyes tell us

That we aren’t seeing the truth.


Prison isn’t where you should be, Luigi

But you’re not God.

Let’s not all lose hope.

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