Monday, December 11, 2023

Weightlifting: 250 for 8 Bench Press; Yearly Recap


This used to be my six rep max about seven months ago.

I haven't had a training year like 2023 since I first started lifting weights a decade ago, and it's all down to my PR everyday strategy that I stole from John Phung and Redditor Your_Good_Buddy. Pick a couple variations of your main lifts. For me, that's the touch and go bench press, the paused bench press, the close-grip bench press, the beltless paused high bar squat, the beltless low bar squat, the belted low bar squat, the sumo deadlift, the conventional deadlift, and the barbell row. Try to hit a personal record one of those lifts every time you train. To do this, you have to keep track of your PRs from a 1 rep max to a 20 rep max. You can even add more variations if you like, but I like the simplicity of three per lift. Warm up, hit a PR, do a back-off set if you like, and then move on to bodybuilding movements in the 10 to 12 rep range. This is meaningful training, and the dopamine hit you get from continually progressing motivates you to train even harder. At thirty-eight years of age, I can't blitz through an hour-long workout anymore, so I usually training 5 to 6 times a week, albeit for about thirty minutes at the most. Even though I'm PRing, I'm not drained the rest of the day, because I didn't do five sets of eight squats at 75 percent of my one-rep max like so many programs will have you do. Most of these programs are written by genetic freaks for competitive athletes. You have to figure out what works best for you. I think after ten years of lifting weights, I finally know what I'm doing.

Another thing I have to mention is that I've cut way back on my alcohol consumption. The last couple of years, I've probably been drinking two to three beers a day. There are numerous studies that show how alcohol affects your testosterone levels. Since I've cut back to a couple beers a week, my lifts have increased, my weight has increased (from 197 to 202) while keeping the same body composition, and my libido has also been affected positively (hah). I love beer, but too often in our culture we rely on alcohol to reduce stress, while it likely has the opposite effect. Cut back, especially in your thirties.

My favorite PRs of the year: A 300 lbs paused bench press, a 405 for 9 conventional deadlift, a 315 lbs barbell row, and my 270 for 5 touch and go bench press.

Rather than count all the PRs I've accomplished this year, I'm posting my chart from June, followed by my current PR chart. Try this shit out! Click on the links in the first paragraph to find a more detailed explanation of the PR everyday method. It's not complicated!

PR sheet from June:

Low Bar Squat415380365350360
High Bar Squat390365350345340
High Bar Squat (Paused)365

High Bar Squat (No Belt)365335325325330


Bench Press315280275265260250245
Bench Press (Paused)290260

Deadlift (No Belt)455

Sumo Deadlift

Close Grip 290275250

Current PR sheet below. It's bigger because I added the low-bar beltless squat, as well as the barbell row.

1RM 2RM 3RM 4RM 5RM 6RM 7RM 8RM 9RM 10RM
Low Bar Squat 415 380 365 350 360
340 320
High Bar Squat 390 365 350 345 340
315 320
High Bar Squat (Paused) 365

High Bar Squat (No Belt) 365 335 325 325 330

LB SQ no belt

Bench Press 315 290 280 275 270 260 255 250 245 235
Bench Press (Paused) 300 280 265 255 250 240 245 230 230 225
BB Row


Deadlift 510 470 455 425 410 415 410 390 405 360
Deadlift (No Belt) 460

400 405
365 340
Sumo Deadlift 455 435 425 420 410


Close Grip 295 275 270 265 255 250 245 235 235 235

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