Thursday, August 10, 2023

Weightlifting: 405 for 8 Deadlift


The PR every workout system is still working great for the Bench and Deadlift. I think it would work well for the squat if I squatted more than twice a week, but alas, that's not really possible, seeing how I have a hard enough time recovering as is. For my squat, I'm currently utilizing a progression scheme where one week I do fifteen singles pyramid style, then the next week I slightly lower the weights (by five pounds per set) and add two reps to all sets, then I do the same for the third (8 sets of 3 reps), fourth (5 sets of 4 reps), and fifth week (4 sets of 5), so by the end, I'm doing four sets of five with almost the same weights I did fifteen singles with. Confusing? It shouldn't be! Just start out with about 70 percent of your training max, then take it up to about 90 percent or more in singles using ten to five pound jumps per set. You don't have to be a genius to think up interesting progression scheme that surpasses the boring "add five pounds to three or four sets" every week.

Low Bar Squat415380365350360340320315
High Bar Squat390365350345340315320300
High Bar Squat (Paused)365315
High Bar Squat (No Belt)365335325325330285250
Front Squat315300300275270255245225215225
Bench Press315285280275265255250245240235
Bench Press (Paused)300275265245225
Overhead Press195185175170170160155150140145
Deadlift (No Belt)460435365340
Sumo Deadlift420405405405385315
Push Press230205205195185
Incline Press (low angle)255245225235225215210205
Close Grip290275265260255250240235230230

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