Saturday, November 19, 2022

Youtube Curation


Where are the examples?

I've cleaned up my Youtube channel, taking down a few videos that I'm not happy with. Didn't like the vocal on "I Ain't Gonna Do Nothing With My Life," or the varying rhythm of "Happy Once Again." I haven't taken down "School Days" but there's some sloppy guitar work that I'd like to correct. I'm always time-limited when I record a song, and I'll just want to get it done without making sure all the tracks are to my standards, which aren't unreasonably high, hah. I also removed a few covers that I thought were lackluster--"Crazy," "Boys Don't Cry," and "Judy Is A Punk." It's a shame Youtube doesn't allow you to switch a video. You either have to delete it forever or leave it alone.

I hope to put some of the songs back shortly, given some time. I've always struggled with my voice, which isn't the best. As an amateur, my guitar work is usually sufficient. Anyways, this stuff is important to me, even if it's just a hobby, because I view songwriting as my chief creative outlet nowadays, and I'm pretty proud of what I've accomplished in the garage. I'd like to get back into writing, but the time, man, the time is just not there. I ain't gonna do nothing with my life indeed. 

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