Thursday, March 10, 2022

Juggernaut AI 5 Weeks in


-Holy fucking volume, Batman! How do you like 7 sets of 10 rep front squats followed by a side of 4 sets of 8 rep deadlifts? Did I mention that the first set of squats is supposed to have an RPE of 10? When you first boot up the program, it asks you how much volume you prefer. I picked moderate. I guess moderate means something else to a world class powerlifter (duh), but this shit probably isn't sustainable. Thankfully, once you've reported an RPE of 9.5, the Jug AI will delete sets. Also, after a week is completed, you have the option of lowering your volume on your main lifts. I'm just bitching about the last week of my hypertrophy cycle. Still, I hate sets of ten. We'll see what the next month brings (higher intensity, lower volume, it seems like).

-If you pick powerbuilding, the bodybuilding stuff isn't difficult, or at least, I didn't make it so. I picked easy stuff like inverted rows and decline pushups. I would suggest most users do the same.

-I'm very thankful I was conservative with my maxes. Doing so is always the smart way to train.

-Despite the volume, I've recovered pretty well, other than my left SI joint, which was aggravated during the second week. I'm pretty hopeful this program will result in some good PRs. You don't do this much volume without some decent results.

-Speaking of decent results, I think I've gained some muscle, particularly in my legs and arms. My scale is broken, but I'm hanging out around 198.

-Do the warmups, especially on lower body day. They do a good job of getting you loose.

-When I started the program, I had the option of doing a bridge block. I picked no because I didn't know what a bridge block was. In retrospect, I think that was a mistake, since a bridge block would've eased me into high volume training. Oh well. I feel pretty adapted now.

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