Thursday, July 29, 2021

Forget the Doomers


What the fuck is this?

Climate change is unstoppable and will end human civilization. We're in the middle of the sixth mass extinction and every thing is going to die. Authoritarian states are rising, and democracy has already lost. The American Dream is dead and stinking, and no one will ever own their own house or have a spouse and children again. You will be a wage slave your entire life and you will never pay off your college debt. It's irresponsible to have children in this bleak, terrible world. All of us might as well fuck off to Reddit and wallow in our bleak misery until we die.

Jesus, fuck right off, doomers.

Every single one of us is undoubtedly the softest person in our respective lineages. Your ancestors survived bear attacks, childhood diseases, and countless wars so that you can live a life of considerable comfort. We enjoy air conditioning, video games, television, vaccines, antibiotics, grocery stores, and the other miscellaneous comforts of modern life. Ever heard somebody bitch about a layover at the airport? Motherfucker, you just flew through the air at hundreds of miles an hour instead of spending half the year on a boat or on horse and buggy! I know working at Amazon fucking sucks, but your ancestors worked factory jobs until their goddamn hands fell off. Stop being such a bitch and contemplate your incredible fortune for having been born in the twenty-first century.

I know that climate change is a huge problem that the world is ignoring. I am well aware that animals and insects are vanishing at an unprecedented rate. The Republican Party is embracing authoritarianism and making it harder to vote. The middle class is shrinking while corporate power grows. All this stuff sucks, but it's up to us to do our best and try to make the world better. Use less energy, consume less, vote for decent politicians, donate to organizations fighting climate change and habitat loss instead of moaning about how fucked everything is.

As far as not having children goes, that's perfectly fine with me. Remove your pessimism from the genetic pool by all means. And while I certainly don't think everyone should have children, historically speaking, this is a great time to have kids, provided you're not trying to one up Genghis Khan. Does the human species have no value? Do you not think that your children should experience the the multitudinous joys of life from which you have freely imbibed? Do we not owe anything to our ancestors? Should we not at least try to clean up our mess?

Have a little hope, people. Find a little grit. Stop complaining about the comparatively minor speed bumps life's doled out. I know it ain't all sunshine and lollypops, but have a little perspective. And for fuck's sake, get the fuck off of Reddit (I'm speaking to myself here).

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