Monday, January 18, 2021

Conan Brothers Q&A


PoliticalJunky asks "Are we ever going to come to terms with the fact that the Republican Party is basically a fascist organization now?"

Dave: Well that's a loaded question if I ever saw one.

Arnold: Technically I'd argue the Republican Party is authoritarian rather than fascist, but who gives a shit?

Dave: I do, Arnold. I give all the shits.

Arnold: I think conservative media has successfully brainwashed so many people that your average Republican is probably more fascist than he realizes. Trump has normalized so much. Would they have let Bush get away with using campaign funds to pay off a porn star? Maybe? I kind of doubt it.

Dave: But it was Antifa that stormed the Capital, Arnold.

Arnold: Nobody really believes that. You'll never meet a Trumper that argues in good faith. They want you to think that they believe Antifa tried to end democracy. It's 1984, bro. The Party says that 2+2=5, so you better tote the Party line.

Dave: Of all the goddamn people to start a cult around, Donald Trump? That's the motherfucker you're gonna die for?

Arnold: White supremacy is a hell of a drug.

Dave: Alright, fuck this shit. I'm tired of it.

Arnold: We all are, Dave. We all are.


GamerJunky asks "What are you all playing?"

Dave: Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight.

Arnold: Dave likes his old games. They fit like a warm glove.

Dave: Christ, keep it PG you pervert.

Arnold: I've been playing Shadow of the Tomb Raider, because who doesn't love playing as a colonialist sociopath with a rocking behind?

Dave: They scaled down those massive triangle tits. Oh Lara, what have they done to you?

Arnold: I've played all three of the reboot Tomb raider games, and Shadow is the best. It doesn't wrestle control away from you constantly like Tomb Raider (2013), and it lacks Rise of the Tomb Raider's ridiculous stigmata-possessing villain and icy setting (I hate ice levels). I mean, it's still goddamn ridiculous (Lara learns ancient languages by briefly glancing at ancient monuments; she real smart) but the relative sparsity of combat combined with the increase in puzzles and platforming makes Shadow feel like an old school Tomb Raider game. It's also a joy to look at, especially at 1440p on Ultra settings.

Dave: Good thing you used your stimulus check to build a new computer.

Arnold: Our tax dollars at work.


LifterGrifter asks "Got a good overhead press program/workout?"

Dave: Boy does he ever.

Arnold: Do five sets of four reps with at least your ten rep max. You can do this workout pyramid style but don't increase the weight too much between sets. After your five sets, do three sets of three with at least your eight rep max. Then do two sets of two with your five rep max, and then finally perform another two sets of two with your three rep max. When I say a 10 rep max, what I really mean is a weight you can press for ten reps any day of the week, fatigued.

Dave: You mean a working max.

Arnold: Yep. Do this program once a week along with four additional pressing sessions. Mix up bench and push press if you don't want to strict press every day. Do whatever you feel like, but just push that first workout.

Dave: And watch out for the gainz faerie.

Arnold: He might bite you in the ass if you're lucky. 

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