Sunday, June 28, 2020

Conan Brothers Q&A

ConspiracyAnon asks "You guys think Trump's done now? With the ongoing pandemic, shitty economy, and racial unrest, there's no way he's getting reelected, right?"

Dave: You'll never lose money betting on the stupidity of the American people.

Arnold: I think he has a very, very low chance of winning the popular vote. Like, a non-zero chance. In less partisan times, yeah, Trump's chances of a second term would be gone. However, we live in 2020, not 1992. This year has been the year from hell. You know how Republicans initially handwaved away concerns about Trump's fitness for office, since most people with a brain could tell he wasn't fit to run a hot dog stand, by claiming that our system of checks and balances would prevail? We are paying for their lack of principles right now. You need a competent leader, who surrounds himself/herself with competent people during a crisis. All Trump cares about is total and absolute loyalty to himself. After four years of gutting the federal government of competency, we are now reaping the fruits of his labor. All that being said, we live in uncertain times. Voter registration is way, way down because of the pandemic. God only knows what horrors the rest of the year will bring. Congress has done fuck-all to decrease Russian interference in our elections. The Republicans are trying to make it harder for people to vote by mail. So nothing is a safe bet.

Dave: Get out and vote, come November. Wear a hazmat suit if you have to.

Arnold: Finally I get a chance to break out my Breaking Bad cosplay.


DopeFish asks "Doom Eternal: yes or no?"

Dave: A half-hearted thumbs up?

Arnold: I actually returned Doom Eternal after two hours of play because I was so disappointed. Excessive platforming in my classic FPS? Constantly running out of ammo and health? Gamey level design, with bobbing weapons and brightly-colored pickups? Why, why, why? I had just played Doom 2016, and Eternal was such a different game that I could've swore it was designed by a studio other that id. However, Steam put it on sale for 30 bucks, so I grabbed it again, and now, after nine hours, I'm getting in to it. I still think they made the combat loop worse by adding so much (flame belch for armor, grenade launcher, dash, etc,) and making the Doom Slayer so weak, but I see what they were going for, and I'm warming to it. Doom 2016 was tonally a sequel to Doom 3, with gameplay closer to the original titles, whereas Eternal is going for complete nostalgia. This game looks like how id would've made Doom 2 if they'd had the technology. I think there was a conscious effort to vary the gameplay; I love Doom 2016, but it was a game that I played in 30/45 minute segments. The platforming's okay, but I can't shake the feeling they added it to pad out the game time. Half of the time, the fights are pretty good; the other half, I feel like I'm just running in circles. By making the Doom Slayer so vulnerable, you are heavily penalized for running into the thick of things, which is completely opposite Doom 2016. The only truly heavy hitters in that title were the Bio-Mancubus and the Baron of Hell; Eternal has a plethora of hard to kill enemies that can wipe you out in seconds. Nevertheless, it's still fun, just not as fun in my opinion as Doom 2016.

Dave: So go for it at thirty bucks.

Arnold: It's probably worth 60 bucks, I just wanted to voice my displeasure with my wallet at the changes from Doom 2016.

Dave: I'm sure they got the message.

Doom Eternal is an awesome-looking game.

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