Monday, November 4, 2019

Conan Brothers Q&A

TruePatriot asks "Truly Trump is screwed now, right? He's going to be impeached in the House and the Senate will find it harder and harder to ignore his crimes."

Dave: Republicans are really good at Doublethink.

Arnold: Or not thinking at all.

Dave: Hypocrisy is word that has been deleted from their collective vocabulary. If you think Republicans in the Senate are going to wise up and realize the danger Trump poses to democracy, well, then, I have a nice hoboshack down by the river I can sell to you for the very low price of one million dollars.

Arnold: It's the best hoboshack I've ever slept in.

Dave: What bodybuilder hasn't slept in a ditch somewhere in order to follow their dream?

Arnold: Nothing makes that dream realer than waking up to a family of raccoons nesting around your body to take advantage of your warmth.

Dave: If only we knew how Youtube worked, then we'd have it made.

Arnold: Trump will be impeached in the House and acquitted in the Senate, and the interpretation of these events will depend on your political affiliation, and I'm not sure it will really matter much, which is an insane thing to say about the impeachment of the President, but we live in strange times.

Dave: I'm scared about the 2020 election. Republicans have all but shrugged their shoulders at Russian interference, and there's no way Trump concedes if he loses. Republicans have followed him so far as he's gone down the rabbit hole. Who says they wouldn't follow him if he decides not to leave?

Arnold: So much of our government depends on tradition and precedence. When someone does something unprecedented, as Trump has done many times during his administration, our system doesn't seem to handle it.

Dave: So we should be panicking and hiding in the bunker?

Arnold: I dunno. What happens in a hypothetical coup? That's Tom Clancy territory.

Dave: Jim Halpert is Jack Ryan. Will Jim save us all?

Arnold: I just can't take John Krasinkski serious as an action hero. What you do early in life follows you around like a phantom fart.

Dave: And that concludes our political discussion.

GamerBoy asks "Is the Outer Worlds the RPG savior we've been looking for?"

Dave: It's basically Fallout 4 but with the dialogue options added back in.

Arnold: And with better writing and actual characters.

Dave: It's also not an open world game. Combat is pretty tame, too. The AI seems nonexistent.

Arnold: I like playing quests with multiple endings, however. Also enjoy being able to talk my way out of situations like a proper RPG.

Dave: We're enjoying it so far. I appreciate the fact that it is playable on my seven year old computer.

Arnold: In short, if you like Obsidian's take on modern Fallout (New Vegas), then you'll enjoy the Outer Worlds.

Dave: The capitalist critique seems a little ironic given that Obsidian is now owned by Microsoft, one of the richest corporations in the world.

Arnold: I hear Pointless Venture will have an in-depth review up soon.

GymGnat asks "Any bench advice?"

Dave: To bench a lot, you have to bench a lot.

Arnold: Do a pressing variation four times a week. Incline, overhead, close grip, wide grip. Use low reps. Ramp up your sets. Do heavy singles.

Dave: Tuck them shoulders and work on your arch. Don't just lay down on the bench like you're going to take a nap.

Arnold: Don't forget bodybuilding movements. Train your upper back and your arms, all of you nascent powerlifters. Don't forget about your guns.

Dave: People with skinny arms seldom have big benches.

Arnold: Or much purpose in life.

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