Friday, March 22, 2019

What I Mean When I Talk about Dragon Energy

I'm here to talk to you all about Dragon Energy.

Dragon Energy is the essence that holds the universe together. Dragon Energy is found in a can as well as a bag of cocaine. When I talk about Dragon Energy, I'm referring to the ability to speak for several hours without making a damn bit of sense.

We are surrounded by Dragon Energy all the time, but only some of us can tap into this power. In that way, some of us are Jedi. My Dragon Energy gives me the ability to see through walls and around corners. Dragon Energy lets me pretend that Kim still looks like a real flesh and blood human being. Dragon Energy allows me to translate the Rosetta Stone and see lizard people on the moon with my eyes.

If you listen to the Joe Rogan podcast, you may have Dragon Energy. If you've ever had a compulsion and been unable to stop it, Dragon Energy is in your veins. If most of the things that come out of your mouth sound stupid, then the haters that are listening to you don't have the Dragon Energy.

Most of the problems of the world stem from folks not being able to tap into Dragon Energy. I aim to remedy this, and bringing Dragon Energy to the world is my life's work. Listening to all of my albums will get you halfway there. You have to bring the other half. Some of the burden is on you, my friend.

Some days I can't find my way out of the basement, and that's when I know my Dragon Energy is low. I hear this happens to my brother in Dragon Energy, President Donald Trump, as well. Basement construction is intense and labyrinthine. A normal human male was not meant to find his way out of a basement by himself.

Thank God I am not a normal human male. I am the soul of Dragon Energy incarnate. There should be someone bottling my urine while I take a piss so that my Dragon Energy doesn't go to waste.

If I sound crazy, then that's on you. You need to raise your Dragon Energy up to my level. When that happens, most things will start to make sense.

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