Wednesday, February 27, 2019

I Should Have Been a Professional Class Clown

You know what would liven up your boring business meeting? A couple wisecracks made at the expense of your boss. Maybe Stacy needs someone to point out what a complete dunder-head she is. Perhaps the people around you keep setting themselves up for punch lines, but no one is there to deliver. You know what you need? You need a professional class clown.

Remember that kid back in school, the one who was always cracking jokes like he thought he was a comedian? I wonder whatever happened to that kid. Somebody told me that he bags groceries down at Kroger and only recently got clean. I think most of us are missing that kid from our lives. No one points out what a joke our lives are. No one lifts the veil and displays the humorous machinery lying beneath.

Perhaps you think that the role of class clown is best left unfulfilled. That kid was really annoying sometimes back in school, wasn't he? He just couldn't take things seriously. Your life is serious, after all. You have to make bank. Dress the kids. Keep yourself together. True, your own importance in the global scheme of things is small. Insignificant, even. Really nobody would miss you if you vanished this instant. Well, maybe a couple people. But not many would miss them either.

You know what'll cheer you up and get you to stop thinking about the ridiculous of life? Some potent observational humor. Notice how Larry always breathes through his mouth like a horse? You think Larry's ever run more than ten feet? Look at his face. He even looks like a horse. Jesus, Larry, go to a vet or something, am I right? Hello? What's wrong with you people? Don't you want to make fun of each other?

I'll tell you what. You supply me with a run down of your work environment, and I'll come up with some material. I'll surprise everyone at work. You can say that I'm a new hire. Everybody will get their comeuppance. Everyone will be rolling with laughs. You can forget about it all, just for a single work day. Then I'll collect my check and be on my way. The class clown is best handled in small doses. The class clown is funnier when he or she doesn't stick around.

Hundred bucks, and I'm yours. Wait, I'll take fifty. Twenty. Whatever you got in your pocket. See? I'm pretty funny.

I'm pretty funny, right, guys? Give me a couple laughs, for chrissakes.

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