Thursday, September 6, 2018

Weightlifting: On Training a Lift Once a Week

This picture has nothing to do with the article but I had to include it, having stumbled upon it.

Currently, I've been training with a focus on one lift per workout. Sunday is my squat day, Tuesday bench day, Thursday deadlift day, and Saturday focuses on the overhead press. I've had success so far training like this, even though I've always heard that you should train movements multiple times a week for maximum results. That's probably true for newbies, as well as people peaking, but if you're just looking to get stronger and more muscular, I think you're fine just squatting or benching once a week. The key is to make those workout hard, with enough volume and intensity that you're decently sore the next day. Keep in mind that just because you're squatting once a week doesn't mean your squatting muscles aren't being training twice a week, since the deadlift also hits the glutes, quads, hamstrings, and lower back. Same thing with the bench; the overhead press trains the front delts and triceps as well as the upper pecs (depending on how far you lean back). Below is my current program.

Sunday: Squats five sets of five, pyramid style, starting with about fifty percent of my one rep max, with the last set being a record attempt. Do either five heavy singles or five paused singles. Deload and do a light set of ten. Calf raises, just bodyweight, in between sets for 20 reps.

Tuesday: Bench Press five sets of five. Next do heavy singles or paused reps. Lastly, do back off sets of five so that the total repetitions performed for the workout total forty. Low cable rows for five sets of 10-15 reps in between bench sets.

Thursday: Deadlift five sets of five, using a two and a half inch deficit. A few heavy singles afterward. Total reps should at least equal thirty. Arms in between sets, curls and pressdowns.

Saturday: Overhead press five sets of five. Backoff sets of five afterwards. Pulldowns or pullups in between sets, superseted with barbell curls 5 sets of 10.

I try to get my workout done within thirty minutes. That's not a lot of rest in between sets.

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