Saturday, May 30, 2015

A Series of Poems Regarding My Recovery Following the Removal of My Wisdom Teeth

What is man,
But a collection
of clattering teeth?
I'll tell you what:
Pain, manifested as
A mindless dull ache.
Somebody shoot my dumb ass.


The amount of suffering contained in one wise tooth
Is tantamount to an epiphany,
The venture in the desert,
The solace in starvation.
Why am I puking
My goddamn guts out?


  Here is a bit of wisdom:
Do not take pain medication
On an empty stomach
Unless you desire
To projectile vomit
All over the bedroom


The fever dreams of a madman
Assault my catatonic form.
Why do I keep picturing
A technicolor Tyrannosaur?
I am beginning to hate
Everything about my eyeballs.


 Did you ever think that the Stone Temple Pilots
Were somehow criminally underrated while also being
Extremely overrated?
For some reason, that matters right now.


I am blubbering blood
Down my face
Like a stinking animal.


Did they nick an artery or something?
How much blood can one man bleed?


To all of those who said
That this was going to be an ordeal:
I did not listen. How could I?
Even now, clutching my stained sheets,
The agony of my jawline increasing with every
Pulsation of my weakened heart,
I say: Fuck you. This is somehow your fault.

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