Friday, February 27, 2015

Quotes from True Detective's Rustin Cohle

"People out here, it's like they don't even know the real world exists. It's like they're living on the moon. That would be pretty gnarly, though, living on the moon. All that cheese. All that delicious cheese."
"You ever look up at the night's sky and count the stars? Like, dude, there are so many of them. Billions. Maybe there's a dude standing on some far away planet, looking up at the sky just like me and you. Wouldn't that be trippy? Dude. Dooode."
"Alright, alright alright."

"I contemplate the moment in the garden. The idea of allowing your own crucifixion. You think Jesus was on dope? Do you think he got ripped before they put him up there? 'Cause that shit would hurt."
"With power comes great responsibility. Being Spider-Man is a great responsibility."
"I was driving a Lincoln before they paid me to drive a Lincoln. Of course, they pay me now. A lot of dough. Cash, baby, cash."
"I think deodorant masks my natural musk."
"The world needs bad men. We keep the other bad men away from the door. Like the UPS man. Fuck that guy."
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Well, that and ennui. And BPA. And of course, the Zionist conspiracy."
"What do you mean I don't get to take my shirt off? People come to see a Matthew McConaughey production because they want to see abs. You gonna take that away from them? Well then, you deal with the riots."

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