Friday, October 27, 2023

The Esteemed Critic Reviews No Hard Feelings; Bob Dylan live; The Wheel of Time Season 2


No Hard Feelings is a comedy featuring Jennifer Lawrence as a broke and desperate thirty-something who enters into a sketchy plot to break a teenage shut-in out of his shell by pretending to be his girlfriend. High-jinks ensue, with the movie resolving with the typical Hollywood ending. Is No Hard Feelings a great movie? No, but it is a comedy with a ridiculous premise like The Forty Year-Old Virgin or Step-Brothers, and while it's not as funny as those two classics, it does have some memorable gags, which include a misconstrued kidnapping that ends in a macing as well as a naked wrestling match at a beach. Lawrence is pretty good here, showing excellent physical comedic chops, and while the movie bombed at the box office, it will assuredly have a second life on Netflix, which was where I watched it. Definitely worth a watch, especially for the novelty factor of a major Hollywood actress showing ass (both literally and figuratively).

The Critic had the privilege of seeing the great Bob Dylan live last Friday and was pleasantly surprised. Dylan has always been famous more for his innovative songwriting rather than his musical ability, and while his voice has never been pleasant, he seemed to be in good form last weekend. Performing a set derived mostly from his last album (which the Critic hasn't listened to) Mr. Dylan maintained my interest with his inscrutable lyrics and his ragged piano playing, which always threatened to leave the band behind. Not many 82 year-olds are still touring! Keep being the artist of all artists, Mr. Bob.

The Wheel of Time is a classic fantasy series by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson, and while the second season of Amazon's adaptation gets a lot of things right (the casting is mostly on point), they bungle the exciting plotline of the second book in the series in favor of rewriting Moiraine and Lan's relationship in a way that will disappoint book fans. Principal author Jordan's series has a lot of faults (certain books seem to go on forever without any substantial action), but his character arcs are excellent, and it's a shame that Amazon seems intent on changing what doesn't need to be changed. Rosamund Pike is a great actress, and she's a series highlight, but Moiraine was not as important a character in the books as she is in the television series. Still, it's a competently-written show most of the time, and for those looking for a Game of Thrones replacement, The Wheel of Time will satisfy more so than Netflix's Witcher series.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Weightlifting: Bench Press 205 for 16


What are the merits of having a 16 rep max? Better endurance with heavier weights contributes to more weight lifted at lower reps. Plus, you just can't go for that five rep max every week. Increasing your bench press max is really a pyramid where every piece has to be laid in order for the summit to grow higher. Also, lifting lighter weights is good for recovery purposes.

1RM 2RM 3RM 4RM 5RM 6RM 7RM 8RM 9RM 10RM 12RM 13RM 14RM 15RM 16RM
Low Bar Squat 415 380 365 350 360
340 320

High Bar Squat 390 365 350 345 340
315 320

High Bar Squat (Paused) 365

High Bar Squat (No Belt) 365 335 325 325 330


Front Squat 315 300 300 275 270 255 245 225 215 225

Bench Press 315 290 280 275 270 260 255 245 245 235 225 225
205 205
Bench Press (Paused) 300 275 265 255 245 240 235 230 225 225

Overhead Press 195 185 175 170 170 160 155 150 140 145

Deadlift 510 470 455 425 410 415 410 390 365 360

Deadlift (No Belt) 460

400 405
365 340

Sumo Deadlift 455 435 405 405 410


Sunday, October 15, 2023

New Music: Horror Stories


This is an oldie, probably dating back to around 2010 or so. I wish I could find the original demo of this song, but like a lot of things, it is lost to time, although it might be lurking on an ancient hard drive up in my attic. I don't think I wrote it as a punk-pop song, but that's how we played it live in Theme Park Mistress. I didn't feel like doing that version again; a poor quality but serviceable take is still up on my Soundcloud page here. So I went for an acoustic version, forsaking drums for the simplicity of vocals, guitar, and bass. I like this song! I don't like every song I write. Horror Stories, however, will always be a tune that I'll remember how to play. 

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Weightlifting: Bench Press 270 for 5


Since June when I started my PR every week challenge, I've put 10 lbs on almost all of my touch and go bench press PRs. That's pretty good progress for being 38 years old with a manual labor job, not to mention keep my weight just under 200 lbs the whole time. This approach works, at least for the deadlift and bench press.

1RM 2RM 3RM 4RM 5RM 6RM 7RM 8RM 9RM 10RM
Low Bar Squat 415 380 365 350 360
340 320
High Bar Squat 390 365 350 345 340
315 320
High Bar Squat (Paused) 365

High Bar Squat (No Belt) 365 335 325 325 330

Front Squat 315 300 300 275 270 255 245 225 215 225
Bench Press 315 290 280 275 270 260 255 245 245 235
Bench Press (Paused) 300 275 265 255 245 240 235 230 225 225
Overhead Press 195 185 175 170 170 160 155 150 140 145
Deadlift 510 470 455 425 410 415 410 390 365 360
Deadlift (No Belt) 460

400 405
365 340
Sumo Deadlift 455 435 405 405 410

Clean 235 225 220 195

Push Press 230 205 205 195 185

Incline Press (low angle) 255 245
225 235 225 215 210
Close Grip 295 275 270 265 255 250 240 235 230 230

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Conan Brothers Q&A


PoliticalMonkey asks "Will Republicans get it together after ousting Kevin McCarthy from the Speaker of the House position?

Dave: I'm sure their contempt for the American people will eventually surpass their urge to cause chaos and dysfunction.

Arnold: I'm not so sure. You've got at least eight or so House members who literally want to burn the place down. Mat Gaetz is a performance artist, a professional shit-slinger, not a legislator. Their only real goal is to establish Trump as a dictator.

Dave: Jim fucking Jordan as Speaker would undoubtedly be worse than Kevin.

Arnold: McCarthy barely had the votes, does Jordan? Whoever eventually obtains the position is more or less king of the idiots. In the land of the blind, a one-eyed man is king.

Dave: It's hard to see with shit in your eye.

Arnold: If there were any real moderates in the Republican Party, then they'd work with Democrats to nominate Hakim Jeffries so that legislation could actually pass through the House. But we all know that the worst thing a Republican can do is work with Democrats.

Dave: It would be helpful if the media pointed out Republican hypocrisy more often.

Arnold: They made a lot of money when Trump was president. Politics as entertainment is more profitable than boring old Biden.

Dave: Are you talking about the liberal media, Arnold?

Arnold: There really is no such thing.


BigGym asks "Is PRing every day really feasible?"

Dave: Not every day, but maybe every week, if you use variations.

Arnold: We've been PRing weekly on the Bench Press and Deadlift for about four months using about three variations per exercise. We keep track of our rep maxes all the way up to fifteen.

Dave: Squat is a different story.

Arnold: I hate the squat so much right now that I'm doing bottom position low bar squats without a belt, along with front squats. Because what doesn't kill you just might make you stronger.

Dave: Frequency combined with a moderate amount of volume is the answer to long term progress when you're nearing middle age.

Arnold: I can't kill myself like I could when I was younger. But I can bench press three times a week.

Dave: Do your main variation, go for a PR, then fill the rest of the session with bodybuilding work.

Arnold: Sounds like a good plan.



GamingLarry asks "Is Baldur's Gate 3 the RPG of the decade?"

Dave: How the fuck would I know? It's only 2023.

Arnold: It's certainly the best RPG I've played in a long time.

Dave: Divinity: Original Sin 2 was a damn-good game that I didn't finish, but Larian was perfecting their approach with that title, and now Baldur's Gate 3 is their masterpiece.

Arnold: It helps that 5e is so popular now, and Baldur's Gate 3 is basically a 5e DnD simulator.

Dave: Having your dice rolls appear onscreen along with your modifiers really helps sell the illusion that you're playing tabletop.

Arnold: Not to mention the campaign is top-notch, with interesting environments (The Underdark; the Shadowlands) and cool characters (Karlach, Astarion, Shadowheart).

Dave: It really makes me feel like I'm playing a Bioware title from the golden era.

Arnold: RIP, Bioware. At least your legacy is alive.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Weightlifting: 455 lbs Sumo Deadlift


My Sumo Deadlift form is a pretty narrow stance, similar to how the GOAT Ed Coan deadlifted. I ain't know Ed Coan, though, hah. Getting more comfortable with Sumo and we'll see how far I can push it. The PR every week strategy is inherently conservative, however, so there's no reason to take big jumps.

1RM 2RM 3RM 4RM 5RM 6RM 7RM 8RM 9RM 10RM
Low Bar Squat 415 380 365 350 360
340 320
High Bar Squat 390 365 350 345 340
315 320
High Bar Squat (Paused) 365

High Bar Squat (No Belt) 365 335 325 325 330

Front Squat 315 300 300 275 270 255 245 225 215 225
Bench Press 315 290 280 275 265 260 255 245 240 235
Bench Press (Paused) 300 275 265 255 245 240 235 230 225 225
Overhead Press 195 185 175 170 170 160 155 150 140 145
Deadlift 510 470 455 425 410 415 410 390 365 360
Deadlift (No Belt) 460


365 340
Sumo Deadlift 455 435 405 405 410



New Music: Rock 'n' Roll

  It takes a decent amount of hubris to name your song "Rock 'n' Roll" but it's on par for the genre, am I right? An o...