Saturday, February 22, 2020

Weightlifting: Ditillo Bench Program

He wasn't the sveltest man.

I found an old Anthony Ditillo bench press program that I'd used a couple years ago and then forgot about, which was a mistake, because I remember putting at least ten pounds on my bench when I ran it. It's a three times a week program with a lot of volume and a lot of heavy weights. You could certainly use it for your deadlift or squat, although I think I might try it out on my military press next. This jist of the program is as follows:

Monday: 90% of 1 rep max for five singles. Subtract ten percent and do three triples with that weight. Then subtract another ten percent and do three sets of five to seven reps. For example: Using a 1 rep max of 290 lbs, do 260 for five singles, then press 235 for three triples, and then finally perform three sets of five to seven reps with 210 lbs. Add ten pounds to the first two percentages and five pounds to the last percentage next week. For weeks two and three, you'll do the same weight progression, but for weeks three to six, you'll add only five pounds a week.

Wednesday: Perform four sets of five to seven reps with sixty-five percent of your 1 rep max. Add five pounds a week. For example: Using a 290 1 rep max, press 175 for four sets of five to seven reps.

Friday: Do five to seven sets of three to five reps with 80 percent. Using a 290 1 rep max, that's 230 for five to seven sets of three to five.

Do this program for six weeks, and then rinse and repeat. I'm currently using vanilla 5/3/1 for my deadlift, high bar squat, low bar squat, and military press, which I pair with these workouts (I add a day for the high bar squat). I also do the following assistance: Monday-One arm dumbbell row for 3 sets of eight, followed by curls and triceps extensions for 3 sets of 10. Wednesday: Chins 4 sets of 10. Friday: Arms in between sets. That's all, folks. Here's a little graph that might make sense. First three columns are the Monday workout, followed by the percentages of Wednesday and Friday's weights.

90.00% Add 10 Add 10 Add 5 Add 5 Add 5
-10.00% Add 10 Add 10 Add 5 Add 5 Add 5
-10.00% Add 5 Add 5 Add 5 Add 5 Add 5
65.00% Add 5 Add 5 Add 5 Add 5 Add 5
80.00% Add 5 Add 5 Add 5 Add 5 Add 5

1 comment:

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New Music: The Sack of Troy

The winter freeze is upon us, and so it's been a big month for musical creativity. The Sack of Troy is a elegy for Hector and all of tho...